Sunday, November 25, 2012

Cutting and Pasting.

 In Brent Staple’s Cutting and Pasting: A Senior Thesis by (Insert Name), (12 July 2012) he explains the theory of what happens when you plagiarize someone else’s work and use it as your own. The author uses his friend as a source to develop his theory on plagiarism. Staples purpose for writing this is to express the seriousness of plagiarism and how college professors have to become more like cops now when grading their student’s work. The intended audience would be college students so they can see why plagiarism is so wrong, but anyone could benefit from reading this exert so they are less likely to do it themselves.
            I agree with Brent Staple’s thesis on plagiarism. He expresses thoroughly the consequences of committing plagiarism throughout his paper. Staples uses a direct source to base his thesis paper on which makes the paper a reliable. He explains that the internet today is an easy way to access information and use it as your own causing teachers to do unnecessary work. He points out that professors have to be more like enforcers than teachers to make sure their students are not committing plagiarism. He also mentions that plagiarism is such a serious offense now that professors are exposed to websites to check if a student used someone else’s work.
            As a college student, committing plagiarism has such serious consequences that if caught you will be put on probation, but more than likely expelled, along with failing that class. Plagiarism is easily accessible through the internet that it is done accidentally without realization. Even though it is done by accident, it is still a major problem and is affecting college student everywhere. 

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